Some long exposure fun can be had doing some light painting in front of land marks with your tri-pod & quick hand writing.
I set up my tri-pod in front of Parliament House in Canberra doing some
long exposures at sunset, no problems from the security people which was
nice, & looking at my image the bottom of the frame was quite dark.
So I thought it might be nice to tag the image of where I was.
Have done this previously in Adelaide, link below.
It can take a few goes to get these right especially writing backwards or getting in the frame in a good place that looks nice.
Check your spelling too as it is hard to change!
I have a small LED torch (flash light) which I carry & sometimes us
to light painting in an image where it might be a little dark.
Very useful to have too for when you are walking in the dark.
Point the LEDs towards the camera so that it is shining into the barrel of the lens to get the brightest lines.
I turn the torch off between the letters too or hold your hand over the front.
If you keep moving & wear dark clothes you will be over written on
the sensor as you aren’t standing still enough to be recorded.
The secret for this image is that I wrote CANBERRA the way I was facing
& not reversed, which you normally have to do, as the building
behind is symmetrical so I could easily flip the image in post.
A little tip.
You will be lucky to get it right the first time & practice makes perfect.
Also check your frame & see the limits as to where you can write too.
Pick out some markers on the ground & go for it.
Hope you might get something out of this post & please leave any comments or feel free to share.
More tips, tricks & techniques soon!
Nice one Keith!